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Writer's pictureJackie Grace


OUR ACTIVITIES the past year were varied.

First of all, we were gifted our Sampson's banner by Jason Marshall, owner of, what else but United Uniforms and Sewshore Uniforms in Naples. He delivered it just days before our First Annual Nurses "Walk in Our Shoes"

Our event commemorated Nurses Week and the many Nurses who lost their lives during the Pandemic. Participants were nursing students from Nova Southeastern University, Fort Myers; employees of two local hospices, Avow and Vitas who work closely with Sampsons's and family members; and members of rather community at large.

Collier County Commissioners presented a Proclamation to Sampson's in March for their investment in time and money to student nurses and their goal to become LPNs and RNs. Also recognized were the hundreds upon thousands of

Nurses who paid with their lives during Covid.

Since July 2021, a total of 36 recipients received funding to take their NUCLEX exams. Without those funds, many would would not be able to realize their dream of joining the Nursing Profession.

Four nurses and their families. friends and fellow employees received the wonderful Memorial Service offered by the organization. And members in their "Nurses Whites" were present at a recent Honor Flight at SWFL International Airport. They honored those Veterans returning from a day visiting Washington, D.C.-those that never got their welcome when they returned from their respective wars and service.

Sampson's held several fundraising events: its First Annual Christmas Gala in November of 2021; (2022 postponed due to Hurricane Ian} and it's First Annual Scholarship Recipient and Sponsors Luncheon where introductions were made and scholarships given to deserving students.

And Officers of Sampson's attended the Pinning Ceremony of two schools in Fort Myers: Nova Southeastern and Rasmussen.

Look for our upcoming cookbook which will be sold for continued fundraising and 2023 events.

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